Blog 6: language challenges
Hello, learning English for me is a torture. In high school I had a hard time, and I was very nervous when speaking. I was terrified of not knowing what I was saying, I was terrified of just cheating. Even writing notes in an oral presentation made me nervous because sometimes I couldn't even read. I was always saved by easy jobs where I could learn if I was helped. I supported me by learning my way, listening to music or watching series in English, that helped me to understand what I was being told. At the university with this modality some things have become easy, like the teachers' disposition. I like blogs that are simple and I can read what I write in a calm manner. My problem with oral presentations is time. If only I had some free time where I could speak more fluently. It is difficult for me to conjugate and pronounce thinking about the time limit. But I've had more pedagogical teachers at the university. So far I have learned to read calmly and write better. T...