
Blog 6: language challenges

 Hello, learning English for me is a torture. In high school I had a hard time, and I was very nervous when speaking.  I was terrified of not knowing what I was saying, I was terrified of just cheating. Even writing notes in an oral presentation made me nervous because sometimes I couldn't even read. I was always saved by easy jobs where I could learn if I was helped. I supported me by learning my way, listening to music or watching series in English, that helped me to understand what I was being told. At the university with this modality some things have become easy, like the teachers' disposition. I like blogs that are simple and I can read what I write in a calm manner. My problem with oral presentations is time. If only I had some free time where I could speak more fluently. It is difficult for me to conjugate and pronounce thinking about the time limit. But I've had more pedagogical teachers at the university.  So far I have learned to read calmly and write better. The

Blog 5: Postgraduate Studies

 Hello, I will tell you about my intentions to study for a postgraduate degree. On the other hand, I'd like to get a Master's degree, but I don't know if I'll continue studying towards a PhD. INAP has postgraduate programmes such as public management and political science. I'm going to follow the political science approach. I think that this is the most logical path, as there are agreements and benefits. I would like to go for the electoral studies, or also comparative studies. I am quite interested in developing that area. Besides, the net helps to advance certain themes of the magister. On the other hand, I'm not sure if I would follow doctoral studies; I would prefer to work for a long time rather than opt for that option.  In addition to the fact that at first you need to have worked for a while, there is the difficulty of money. Postgraduate courses are expensive and I don't think I'll study that much hahaha

A photograph I like

 Hello friends. This picture is special for me because after a long time I meet a friend. I was at the airport, I was going to take a plane to Antofagasta. It's been a long time since I met this friend, we were in a band, we had a great time. The photo was taken by a friend of ours who was also there from our hometown. It was a surprise for me because I hadn't seen him in over a year and I didn't expect to see him. We were chatting, smoking and drinking coffee until it was time for my flight. We kept seeing each other a couple more times, we got together and sometimes we played music. Since that time I see him more often than before. In that time it strikes me that our musical tastes have advanced so much. He showed me things he had recorded and I showed him the band I was in at the time. We had changed so much in what we liked that even our way of dressing had changed. After that we continued to share music, we shared a stage at a festival where he was involved as a sound

My future Job

 Hello colleagues, in this blog I will talk about my future work. Since I was a child I loved social sciences or humanities.  Deep down I always wanted to dedicate myself to writing or playing music, these are things that I have never abandoned. On the other hand, considering what I am studying, I would like to dedicate myself to teaching or writing in my future, but I would like to never retire, or at least not stop doing something. I project myself as an adult working in public policy or data analysis, working for the state, companies or foundations, whatever helps me develop as a professional. I don't know if in the future I'll get any postgraduate degree, but definitely working in the social sciences from academia, the state or even politics is what motivates me.

My favorite movie

 Even before making 'The Clockwork Orange' ( 1971) - for which he signed the most overrated film in his director's filmography - Kubrick intended to make a film about the figure of Napoleon, one of his most coveted projects and one that he was finally unable to bring to fruition. In his research and preparation for this film, which never took place, Kubrick came across William Makepeace's novel Thackeray, which narrated the adventures and misadventures of a character named Barry Lyndon. He used part of this research, along with his passion for the subject, to prepare what would be his first period film, in the strict sense of the word. We would never see Krubick's vision of the mythical French emperor, but in return he would give us one of his most personal works. Curiously, 'Barry Lyndon' (id, 1975) is the film by Kubrick that has aroused the most opposing opinions. Many consider it the most boring work of its director, a long story about a character not to

The country I would like to visit

 One of the countries that I have always wanted to visit is Spain. I like the combination of its history with such diverse cultures. I would go and visit the old traces of the Roman Empire, where there are still sites, squares, columns and bridges. Of course I would go to see the old castles or medieval countryside, the rural interiors of Galicia or Catalonia. There is so much to see for a small territory. There is also plenty of time to explore the area of Al-Andalus, such as Seville or Granada with all their Muslim influence. The modern constructions until today are place of affluence of thousands of believers who visit the surprising cathedrals. The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia would be something I would like to see when it is completely finished. On the other hand, recreational tourism is abundant, with its discos, bars, pubs, theaters, art rooms and its cameras for musical sessions. Not only Madrid is a place with varied options for urban entertainment such as bohemian, cultura